There are millions of people in the world and we are all different, that’s for sure. But there are those to whom nature, regardless of the reason, decided to give them a special touch of originality and uniqueness. We’re not just talking about their sparkling personalities, but also that they have a certain physical characteristic that can catch your eye because you don’t see it every day.
We have collected some photos shared on social media where people show off the specific physical traits that make them unique.
#01. “I have partial heterochromia in both eyes.”
#02. My hair is half-blonde, half-brown. Including eyebrows!”
#03. “I severed a nerve in my index finger…Half of my finger can no longer shrivel.”
#04. “I am partially blind in my left eye. It doesn’t show any ‘red eyes’ in the pictures.”
#05. “I have a heart-shaped scar in my eye.”
#06. “My Raynaud’s when it gets cold outside.”
#07. “I have identical triangular freckles on my arm and in my left eye.”
#08. “I’m half white, half Native American, so one of my eyelids has a partial epical fold.”
#09. “I have 6 fingers.”
#10. “My girlfriend’s eyes are weird.”
#11. “How my vitiligo changes in winter and summer.”
#12. “I have iris ephelis (darker brown).”
#13. “An extra finger.”
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#14. “The vein in my right arm says Hi.”
#15. “I have different thumbs, one from each parent due to a genetic mutation on my father’s side (unilateral brachydactyly type d).”
#16. “I got the solar system tattooed on my forearm and later got a mole of Jupiter, which is now his great red spot.”
#17. “My wife just gave birth to our first child, and my son and I both share the same weird genetic abnormality where we have an extremely large space between our first and second toes.”
#18. “I have 2 really long fingers on my right hand.”
#19. “My hair and eyelashes are naturally split into blonde and brown.”
#20. “I had 16 clear stitches on my eyeball from a corneal transplant when this photo was taken, and because of the way the light falls, you can see every single one.”
#21. “That hexagonal vein pattern on my wrist.”
#22. “I have a birthmark in my eye.”
In conclusion, nature’s art is apparent in the myriad of unique physical features it has bestowed upon humanity. From the alluring diversity of eye colors to the witching array of facial structures and body types, we’re living evidence of the endless possibilities of creation.